We have firewood for sale in our chandler location or we can deliver to your home or business. Our seasoned firewood is already split and dried to the highest standards so all you have to do is start the fire and enjoy. If you are looking for where to buy firewood, your search is over. We have the best firewood, many varieties, offer firewood delivery and even stacking service!

We have many firewood types for sale including a city mix, eco mix, premium mix, Shaggy Juniper as well as Mesquite firewood for sale. We sell our wood in small quantities such as a wheelbarrow or you can get a few cords of firewood for whatever your needs are. Each wood type has its pros and cons and each wood type has an optimal purpose based on its burning/smelling/ time qualities. You can learn more on our firewood types page.

City Mix

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Eco Mix

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Premium Mix

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Mesquite Firewood

Hot Burning Firewood with Strong Smokey Flavor. Great for smokers, indoor and outdoor use.

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Shaggy Juniper

Locals favorite for it’s amazing aroma, easy to start and appealing crackling sound.

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Almond/Oak/Pecan/Citrus/Olive cooking Firewood

Almond is a hardwood that creates a hot, long lasting fire and produces only a small amount of ashes.

8 Cu Ft

32 Cu Ft

64 Cu Ft

128 Cu Ft





Don’ Forget Your Kindle!

Get a FREE bag of Kindle or Fire Starter with
every 128 cu.ft. of firewood.

Kindle or Starter wood make lighting up any
fire easy and fast.

Price value $12.00. Limited to 1  free bag per customer.